Swimming The English Channel Distance
The shortest route to swim across it is 21 miles long but that can change depending on the current. The English Channel is approximately -19 nautical miles 38000 yards or 35 kilometers 35000m.
From Ymca Flying Fish To France My English Channel Swim English Channel Swim English Channel Swimming
But she avoids the cold treacherous waters.

Swimming the english channel distance
. Sometimes its hard to get in gear. 49 rows Gertrude Ederle who was called Americas best girl by President Calvin. The English Channel Swim from Shakespeares Cliff or Samphire Hoe in England to Cap Gris-Nez in France is approximately 21 miles or 32 kilometers.Not having swum the English Channel I dont feel fully qualified to answer but Im happy to share what Ive learnt and observed in five years of publishing H2Open. The English Channel is occasionally referred to in written form by open water swimmers especially channel swimmers and marathon swimmers as the Channel or ECIt is one of the Worlds Top 100 Open Water Swims a part of the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming the Chorizo Four and the Grand Slam of Open Water Swimming. The tides are strong and change direction approximately every 6 hours and can flow up to 4 nautical miles per hour.
The Swim Route The shortest distance in a straight line from England to France is 21 miles. These may vary for mirror like conditions to wind force 6 and wave heights in excess of 2 metres. CSA CSPF MSF and Wikipedia all have slightly.
According to the Channel Swimming Association the body that tracks Channel swims the first person to cross the 21-mile strait between England. Despite its iconic status in the sport nobody can seem to agree on what precisely is the route distance. The English Channel is a unique and demanding swim considered by many to be the ultimate long distance challenge.
It isnt just the distance that is the challenge but more the variable conditions that you are likely to encounter. Swimming the Channel is not cheap and will set you back a few thousand pounds the largest chunk of which goes towards a registered pilot and escort boat up to 2750. Twice per week Diane swims in the pools at the Englewood Recreation Center and Athmar Recreation Center in Denver as part of the Rocky Mountain MS Centers hydrotherapy program.
Book your CSA Registered Pilot as early as possible preferably in the year preceding your proposed swim date to get the best tides and optimum window. The distance across the English Channel. RMMSCs Hydrotherapy Program led by Physical Therapist Michele Harrison.
A simplistic description of what to expect is laid out in the subsequent paragraphs. The English Channel is the stretch of water between England and France. What is the distance of an English Channel Swim.
Read our website thoroughly before booking your swim. Most crossings take around 12-16 hours in sea water that is around 60 F. The tides will affect every aspiring English Channel swimmer to varying degrees.
Diane Kuehnast is swimming the English Channel many times over. At approximately 21 miles in distance plus the huge effects of the tidal movements there are no guarantees however good you are at swimming that you will make it across. Due to currents winds and other factors swimmers should anticipate and train to swim significantly more miles.
The longest open water swim Ive done is the 105-mile length of Windermere. If youre training for that next event or just wanting to get back to swimming - everyone needs extra motivation from time to time and Swim The Distance is there to provide it. The second in our series of video demonstrations of marathon swim route distance measurement in Google Maps tackles the most famous of all marathon swims.
Having a target is a great incentive to push yourself further than ever. This is a step by step guide towards swimming the English Channel with the Channel Swimming Association Ltd. The English Channel swim is the Mount Everest of long-distance swims.
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